ISQM GOLD Status | An Outstanding School
In March 2024, the International School of Samui was inspected and judged to be outstanding in all of the eight assessed standards, and was subsequently awarded ‘Outstanding School’ status (ISQM GOLD Accreditation Status). This is the highest status achievable. The school is very proud of this exceptional achievement as it is the outcome of many years of tremendous teamwork by our academic and administrative team, and our amazing students and very supportive parents.
We provide a few extracts that the inspectors stated in their report:
1. ISS is like ‘‘one big family”.
2. “Pupils’ personal development is outstanding. Pupils enjoy coming to school and are keen to learn. Pupils conduct themselves sensibly and respectfully. They want to be the best they can be”.
3. “Progress is outstanding across all subjects and for all groups of pupils”
4. "The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding across the school. Highly effective teaching enables all pupils to make strong progress in acquiring knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum."
5. 'The quality of the curriculum is outstanding. The school is extremely well staffed to meet the needs of the curriculum and to maximise the potential of pupils. Effective use of resources provides pupils with a rich learning experience.'
6. “The care and support for all pupils is outstanding”.
7. “The quality and quantity of the school’s accommodation and resources are outstanding”.
8. “The leadership and management of the school are outstanding. Leaders actively commit to the school’s vision for every child to be the best they can be”. They ‘are highly approachable and responsive’ and ‘have a clear vision for the school.
View the inspection report
The Education Development Trust
This inspection was conducted by the highly respected Education Development Trust (EDT) which acts as an international authority for school inspections, under its inspection framework ‘International Schools Quality Mark (ISQM)’. The ISQM accreditation with EDT comprehensively reviews the standards of student progress and achievement with an effective curriculum, good facilities and use of resources, a successful leadership team; and equally strong partnerships with parents and the community to ensure students are well cared for and receive an enriched education. EDT performs comprehensive international inspections and accreditations in over 40 countries and is authorised by the Thai Ministry of Education (MoE) to perform international accreditations in Thailand.