The milestone of reaching year 6 should not be under-estimated as our students complete their last year of primary school. Year 6 gives students a new set of challenges and responsibilities. Students are gradually being supported towards their graduation to senior school. At ISS year 6 students are busy and active. Recently they were given the chance to run and campaign to become Head Boy and Head Girl. These leadership roles are taken very seriously by the students who show great commitment to make changes and arrange events in their everyday life at school.
On 14th September 2018, our Head Boy and Head Girl candidates presented their voting campaign and ideas they wish to implement this year. Mrs Kriya (formerly Miss Whelan, congratulations on your recent marriage!) was so impressed by the confidence and strength of all the candidates. Six girls and seven boys took the leap and put themselves forward to be voted head boy or head girl.
Each students' campaign was supported with handmade posters which were strategically placed around the school to attract attention and gain every child's involvement.
Each candidate spoke confidently and with ease, despite the nerves, in front of the whole primary school and its teachers. It was lovely to watch the parents proud reactions after listening to their children.
The following week, the entire primary school, teachers and support staff voted for their chosen head boy and head girl. The votes were counted and by 1pm our leaders were appointed: Julian Shin and Seraphina Lees were so delighted to be chosen.
Congratulations Julian and Saphy!
We are excited to benefit from the well-meaning and well- thought out projects you will endeavour to develop this academic year for the benefit of the whole primary school.
Watch their acceptance and thank you speech below: