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Year 7 create Rainbow water towers!

Recently, year seven have been learning all about density and salinity. Density can be a difficult scientific property to grasp, so, with that in mind, Mr. Armitage found a way to make the science of density a colourful, fun and simple experience! Year 7 attempted to create their very own rainbow water tower.

The experiment is very simple, using just pipets, beakers, food colouring and salt! The children added water to each beaker first, followed by a few drops of food colouring to make vibrant colours. It was then up to the children to decide how much salt they wanted to add to each beaker. Adding salt to a liquid changes the density of it, and therefore the children had to be careful to add the correct amount to ensure it would dissolve.

The children were only given very brief instructions and so using trial and error, it took a few practices to perfect it! Once they had stirred the beakers, they very carefully inserted the solution into the test tube using a syringe. The key was to insert the densest water first, and then layer up the remaining three. This would then successfully create a rainbow water tower!


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